Are you in credit card debt and only making the monthly minimum payment on your credit cards? If so, you will be paying a lot more than your original balance and your payments will last for a long time.
This chart shows how much you'll pay and how long it will take to become debt free if you pay a 2 percent monthly minimum payment on your credit card. Note that even with interest as low as 12% on a $1,000.00 debt, you'll end up paying an additional $373.00 in interest and it will take you 5.7 years to pay it off. With higher interest rates, the payments last longer and you'll pay more.
Consider paying just a little more toward your debt with the highest interest each month and you'll save significant time and money. This chart shows that with as little as an additional $10 payment per month, you will pay much less interest and will pay for a much shorter duration.
Minimum Payment Comparison Chart $1,000 Credit Card Balance
Source: National Endowment for Financial Education | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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